Academic advisory board

The Academic Advisory Board advises the FID Jewish Studies. Its members represent key research areas with in Hebrew and Judaic Studies, Jewish Studies, and Israel Studies. The two major associations – the German Association for Jewish Studies and Jewish Theology and the Vereinigung Jüdische Studien – are also represented in the Academic Advisory Board.

Prof. Dr. Johannes Becke
University of Jewish Studies Heidelberg

Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Hollender
Goethe University Frankfurt

Prof. Dr. Andreas Gotzmann
University of Erfurt

Marko Knepper
Mainz University Library

Prof. Dr. Katrin Kogman-Appel
University of Münster

Prof. Dr. Carsten Schapkow - Vereinigung Jüdische Studien e.V.
The University of Oklahoma, 

Prof. Dr. Guiseppe Veltri
Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies, Universität Hamburg

Prof. Dr. Christian Wiese
Goethe University Frankfurt

Dr. Saskia Dönitz
Fachverband Judaistik, Jüdische Studien, Jüdische Theologie in Deutschland e. V.